Friday, January 31, 2020
There are five questions with different marks so question with 15 Essay
There are five questions with different marks so question with 15 marks have more word count ...even the answers should be suppo - Essay Example The world trade organisation (WTO) is one such body which is a contract enforcing governments to maintain their trade policies within the agreed upon rules. The core objectives are to set and enforce rules for global trade, to offer a forum for negotiating and scrutinizing further trade liberalization and to settle trade disputes. In addition, WTO seeks to enhance transparency in decision making process, assist developing nations gain fully from global trading system and cooperate with other global economic organisations. These objectives are similar to those of GATT, but WTO pursues these goals more comprehensively.1 The new Australian government is taking severe steps in its bid to uphold the Absolute Protection for Wild Whales Act 2013. In addition, the government of Australia seeks to ban entirely the importation, distribution and sale of whale and whale products within its borders. The government gives reasons that Japan and other governments have been weak in upholding the laws stipulated in the international whaling commission. The international whaling commission was set to introduce zero catching limits for profitable whaling as well as keeping whale catch limits under scrutiny. All this was in a bid to enhance and foster the recovery of depleted whale populations. The ban applies to the vending of domestic products and products from foreign countries. This includes goods that Australian travellers bring into the country from abroad. Article I: 1 Article I: 1 of the GATT 1947 prohibits discrimination among like products coming from or destined for different countries. In the Canada-autos case, the measure at issue was Canada’s duty exemption for imports by certain manufacturers in partnership with Canadian value added. Automobile imports and imported automobiles materials were the product at issue. The appellate body/ key panel upheld that duty exemption was inconsistent to the article I:1 on the grounds that the article covers de jure and de fa cto unfairness. Moreover, the duty exemption at issue in verity was given only to imports from a smaller number of countries in which the exporter was associated with suitable Canadian manufacturers. Canada’s defence was abandoned on grounds that duty exemption was given to certain countries other than all manufacturers from all countries. In relation to Australian current issue, the country has not violated article I: 1 since the ban is not discriminatory in nature. The ban covers all aspects of whale products from foreign countries. Further, Australia is not discriminatory since it also bans whale products that Australian travellers bring into the country. One may argue that products brought by tourists do not constitute trade goods and thus this is discrimination. However, the country seals this loophole as people may exploit it to continue the usage and sale of whale products. Article III: 4 Article III: 4 were set in the case of Korea –various measures on beef; th e appellate body established three components that have to be fulfilled for the violation to arise. One, the traded in and national products at issue are â€Å"like products†that the determination is the issue at â€Å"law, directive, or obligation affecting their domestic sale, offering for sale, purchase, transport, delivery or sale†. The final component is that imported goods are given â€Å"less favourable†dealing than that given to like domestic products. In relations to article
Thursday, January 23, 2020
Hiram Ulysses Grant :: essays research papers
Hiram Ulysses Grant was born near Pleasant Point, Ohio, on April 27, 1822. His parents were Hannah Simpson and Jesse Grant. Jesse Grant was the owner of a tannery. He was shy boy while growing up. At the age of one year he was taken to Georgetown where he was educated at local and boarding schools. He graduated 21st in a class of 39, from the United States Military Academy at West Point in 1843 where he had enrolled under the name of Ulysses Simpson Grant. He was assigned to Jefferson Barracks, MO, where he met Julia Dent. They married after the Mexican War in 1848. Grant served in the Mexican War under the name of Gen. Zachary Taylor and Gen. Winfield Scott. In 1854 while stationed at Fort Humboldt, California, Grant resigned his commission because of loneliness and drinking problems. He spent the following years in unsuccessful farming and business ventures in Missouri. He moved to Galena, Illinois, in 1860 where he worked in his father’s leather shop. Grant was appointed colonel and soon afterward brigadier general of the Illinois volunteers at the outbreak of the Civil War. Grant wanted to fight for the Union. He was an officer of dogged determination and won a series of brilliant victories. On one occasion, the commander of a Confederate fort asked on what terms Grant would accept his surrender. "No terms," he replied, "except an unconditional and immediate surrender." From then on he was known as "Unconditional Surrender Grant" since his initials were U.S. On March 8, 1864, President Lincoln made him commander of all the Union forces. Grant helped to bring the war to an end in a little over a year. In 1868 Grant was elected Republican president of the United States. Although Grant was a wonderful soldier, he made a poor president. He was honest, but some of those he appointed to high office were not. They caused financial difficulties for the government and the country. He was not blamed for this and was reelected in 1872.
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Harp of India
Harp of India Why hang'st thou lonely on yon withered bough? Unstrung for ever, must thou there remain; Thy music once was sweet  who hears it now? Why doth the breeze sigh over thee in vain? Silence hath bound thee with her fatal chain; Neglected, mute, and desolate art thou, Like ruined monument on desert plain: O! many a hand more worthy far than mine Once thy harmonious chords to sweetness gave, And many a wreath for them did Fame entwine Of flowers still blooming on the minstrel's grave: Those hands are cold  but if thy notes divine May be by mortal wakened once again, Harp of my country, let me strike the strain!Critical appreciation The Harp of India Henry Louis Vivian Derozio The Harp of India by H L V Derozio is a patriotic poem that pays a glorious tribute to the rich tradition of the art of Indian poetry which conveys the poet‘s deep anguish at the decline of the age of old art under the slavish shackles of British supremacy. Henry Louis Vivian Derozi o was born in Calcutta [now Kolkata]. His father was Indo-Portuguese and his mother English. Though Derozio had very little of Indian blood in him, his upbringing in India greatly inspired in him Indian themes and sentiments. Derozio is generally regarded as the first Indian to write in English.Derozio’s poetic carrier was very short lasting only for about six years. Derozio, who held great promise as poet, unfortunately had premature death at the age of 23 when he was still at his prime. He is modern India’s first poet to give expression to his patriotism in verse, the first to sing of Freedom, the first to contemplate an intellectual renaissance for an ancient civilization through a new perception. In the poem The Harp of India the poet Derozio- an ardent admirer of India’s rich heritage, culture and tradition- laments the decline of the rich tradition of Indian literature during the period of British domination of India.The British imperialism made the Indian poets listless and they found nothing inspiring to compose literature except the misery of the nation. The poet Derozio pays a rich tribute to the Indian writers of the past who had enriched the Indian literature with their classic and enduring literary works and then expresses his wish to revive and rejuvenate, through his humble poetic efforts, the richness and glory of Indian literature. The poem is in the form of a Sonnet. Sonnet is a lyrical poem of 14 lines with definite rhyme scheme.Usually a Sonnet is divided into Octet [the first eight lines of the poem] and sestet [the remaining six lines of the poem]. In the Octet of the Sonnet the poet presents a problem and then tries to resole the problem in the sestet. Derozio makes a slight deviation in the tradition structure of the Sonnet that the Harp of India is divided into two equal divisions of seven lines each. However, he follows the thematic pattern of the Octet and the sestet with the presentation of the problem [the decl ine of Indian poetic tradition] and its resolution [its revival through his humble poetic efforts].The poet Henry Louis Vivian Derozio refers to the rich art and tradition of Indian poetry as the harp of India. The poet commences the sonnet with a rhetorical question as to why the glorious tradition of Indian poetry lies neglected like a broken harp hung on the leafless and withered branch of a tree. He questions whether the art of India poetry which during the period of British domination of India was almost dead, must remain in this state of coma forever, like an unstrung harp.The poet recollects that the state of Indian poetry was once rich and glorious like the sweet melodies of a harp. Now that melody is heard no more as the present times provide no inspiration to the creative minds and hearts to revive the tradition of soul stirring poetic art. The breeze blows over the broken harp of poetry without drawing any melody from it. The prevailing conditions of the times have compel led the poets and the poetic inspirations to remain mute as if bound by the fetters of silence.The art of poetry thus lies neglected, silent, and abandoned like a ruined monument in the vast wilderness of the deserts. The poet then recollects that the art of poetry, in the hands of poets of greater genius than his own, had produced remarkable achievements, the way a deft musician produces enchanting music with his harp. The remarkable works of poetry brought for their creators accolades and wreaths of appreciation. The poets belonging to the glorious period of Indian poetry continue to survive long after their demise like flowers that continue to bloom on the graves of the poets long dead.The poet laments that the poets of literary genius of the past now lie cold in their graves and the once famous poetic art lies abandoned. However, he expresses his desire to revive the dying art of poetry of his country with his humble poetic abilities and make the skies of Indian literature rever berate with melody of poetic art just as a musician of a new generation revives a tradition of music with a musical instrument that had for a long period dwelt in oblivion and obscurity.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Research On Islamic Banking In The United Kingdom - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 6 Words: 1907 Downloads: 9 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Finance Essay Type Research paper Did you like this example? This research plan will be a hub of attention to inspect the opportunities of progress and growth as well as the major challenges to Islamic banking in the UK. The UK is the hub of Islamic banking and contains importance in Islamic financial sector due to its fast growing Muslim population. Islamic banking is facing some great challenges in the UK because the financial system is more favourable to conventional banking. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Research On Islamic Banking In The United Kingdom" essay for you Create order There are greater opportunities in the UK for development and growth of Islamic financial system because Muslim community is eager to take financial products and they are willing to spend their lives according to their religion. There is need to educate the Muslim community toward Islamic financial products; service providers need to improve the information system within the communities and Islamic banking institution is need to work hard for survival and compete with conventional banking system in the sector of regulations and supervisions. The keywords in this research are Islamic banking, Islamic finance, Muslim population, Muslim scholars, Islamic banking growth in the UK and Islamic banking challenges. 2.0 RESEARCH SIGNIFICANCE According to the figures of Office for National Statistics 2001, there was 1.6 million (2.8%) Muslims living in the United Kingdom but according to Home Secretary the Muslim population is increasing with high growth rate. In just seven years there is an increase of 40,000 Muslims in the UK and figures reached on 2 million which consist of 3.3% of total UK population. There was no any facility available to Muslim community before 2000 but the Muslim population want to spend their lives according to their faith. According to Islamic teaching interest is strongly prohibited in Islam and they want to take banking services such as saving accounts, current accounts, home finances, insurance and loan according to Islamic Shaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢riah law. The United Kingdom is non-Muslim country and all its financial rules and regulation in favour of conventional banking. Because the Muslim community is active part of the UK economy, there was need to start a system which is acceptable to the se people. Islamic banking is started in the UK in 2003 with authorization of Financial services Authority. From 2003 to 2009 there is enough improvement and development in Islamic banking system. Currently two main high street conventional banks and one wholly Islamic bank are involved in Islamic banking services. But Islamic banking institution is still in the growth and infancy stage and Islamic banking is facing different challenges in this Western society such as socially, economically, fund management and regulations. With increasing popularity of Islamic banking in Western countries especially in the UK there are some difficulties in the way of Islamic Shaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢riah law, Islamic banking system as well as the role of Financial Services Authority and UK Government are the critical issues. It is necessary to find out the opportunities for development and growth of Islamic banking in the UK and major challenges are faced by Islamic banking. 3.0 RESEARCH OBJECTIVES The main objectives of this proposal is to find out the opportunities for development and growth of Islamic banking in UK and challenges which are currently faced by Islamic banking in the world and United Kingdom specially. The main objective of this research proposal is to investigate the basic understanding of Islamic banking in community and in banking sector because without basic understanding it is difficult to develop this financial system, whether there is any opportunity for growth and development in the UK and which kind of challenges is faced by Islamic banking. The objectives of the research proposal are to: Examine that how important to know the fundamentals for Islamic banking for Muslim community and service providers. Investigate that do Muslims really believe and know the difference between Islamic banking and conventional banking and what are the factors which make Islamic banking prior to conventional for Muslim community. How important in Shaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢ riah law and its practise for Islamic finance and the role of Islamic scholars in promoting Islamic banking services and products. 4.0 LITERATURE REVIEW Literature review illustrates the concept, scope and principles of Islamic banking around the globe in general and specifically in the United Kingdom. Islamic banking is a universal concept in the conventional banking, which is in practice with its many products in most of high street banks in the UK like HSBC, Lloyd TSB and as well Islamic Bank of Britain. 5.0 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY There are two main research paradigms positivistic and phenomenological. It is possible that different authors may use the alternative terms for these main paradigms in different time. The most commonly and alternatively used the terms are quantitative research method for positivistic and qualitative for phenomenological (Collis and Hussey, 2003). The originally the positivistic paradigm was developed in the natural sciences to study natural phenomena and it is confirmatory and deductive in nature. The phenomenological paradigm was developed in the social sciences to facilitate the researchers to research and analyze social and cultural phenomena and this approach is exploratory and inductive in nature (www.socialresearchmethods). The paradigm is very important because it gives you a right path to use the right methodology. According to Collis and Hussy (2003 p.55) à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã…“Regardless of which paradigm you are employing, it is important that you pay attention to all the feat ures, and ensure that there are no contradictions or deficiencies in your methodologyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬?. The paradigm of this research is phenomenological because it tends to produce qualitative data not quantitative. The quantitative research is objective in nature that involves analysis of numerical data by applying statistical tests (Collis and Hussey, 2003). But the qualitative research is much more subjective in nature, concerned with generating theories and can be generalized in understanding of the phenomenon of challenges and opportunities of Islamic banking in UK. 6.0 RESEARCH PURPOSE Islamic banking is a hot topic in western countries especially in the UK. In the UK almost 2 million Muslims community is living and they want to spend their lives according to their religion ( This community is well contributing to the economy of the UK due to this the UK government gives more importance in the sector of Islamic banking. Nowadays the UK is the hub of Islamic banking and most of the high street banks providing the services of Islamic window. Due to this growing demand, Islamic banking faces some difficulties and challenges in western countries. The purpose of the study is to examine and analyze the growth and opportunities of Islamic banking in the UK.  7.0 RESEARCH METHOD For this research project, I chose to undertake qualitative research method. The qualitative method is a type of research that emphasizes the quality of meaning in consumer perceptions and behaviours; there are different criteria or techniques can be used in qualitative method such as in-depth interviews and focus groups. The most common qualitative research techniques include: In-depth interview Focus group Case study Direct observation  7.1 Reason for choosing In-depth interview: I chose in-depth interview technique for my qualitative research due to its unique advantages over other techniques such as focus group and questionnaires. In the way of in-depth interviews it is easy to speak to an individual and keep his attention on specific topic comparatively it is difficult in focus group interviews. There is a lot of time saving and reducing the hassles to take an appointment from individual. The main advantage of in-depth interview is that the interviews can be easily conducted with key community leaders through that researcher can get a fast overview of a community according to his requirements. 7.2 Sources of data: 7.2.1 Primary data: This research is based on a study of the UK because growing population of Muslims community is playing positive role for the UK economy. Actually most of the Muslims want to spend their lives according to their faith. In this case study it will be examined that what are the problems and opportunities in the UK for Islamic banking. I will use the qualitative method of research in this project. There are different techniques of qualitative method but according to the situation the in-depth interviews is more suitable form for this project. According to Collis and Hussey (2003) in phenomenological approach the interview questions are unstructured or semi- structured in pattern not closed questions like positivistic approach. The plan is that the researcher will prepare semi-structured questions that are helpful to take maximum information from interviewees because in closed questions it is possible that some important information will be ignored. In semi-structured interviews the rese archer has an opportunity to probe various areas and to raise specific queries during the semi-structured interviews. 7.3 Data collection methods: For the collection of primary data I shall use technique of in-depth interview. The plan is to hold the eight in-depth interviews from different sectors of the society. The researcher will hold four interviews from the banks authorities such as HSBC, Lloyd TSB and Islamic Bank of Britain that will give the clear facts and figures about the growth, opportunities and problems related to Islamic banking with reference to shaà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢riah compliance and Governmental authorities. Two with such Muslims who already customer of the Islamic banking which will facilitate the research through providing the information why they did take up Islamic banking, advantages and disadvantages of this system and as well about the scope of Islamic banking in UK. Two with such Muslims that are not using Islamic banking product which will helpful to investigate why they have not taken the Islamic banking product and which factors are stopping them from these services that are according to their f aith. My plan is to speak to non-Muslims that are using the Islamic banking products that will provide the best information for the growth and strong fundamentals of Islamic banking. The planned is to conduct these interviews through sending letters to banking authorities and emails to customer services department of the perspective banks to arrange an appointment. To take interviews from customers and non-customers of the Islamic banking the interviewer will use the posters advertisement in the mosques and libraries in that area where the Muslims are living in majority. The interviews will be recorded using the voice recorder with the permission of the interviewees. If the voice recorder is not possible then the interviewer will take notes which will be summarized with full detail and also these notes will be available on demand for further investigation. 8.0 Research limitations: This research was proposed to be conducted in a very short span of 8 weeks, which forced the researchers to curtail the research from expanding in to a wider spectrum. According to the proposed planned of seven interviews it is possible that there should be some hurdle to get all information from customers of Islamic banking. In the course of research if the researcher will feel to get more widely information about the growth of Islamic banking then mini open ended questionnaires will be conducted. As the research was a part of student project there where huge limitations on financial resources. Lack of financial backup congests the team, which in turn curbed the research team from dilating the research. Conclusion: The purpose of research is to find out opportunities of growth and development as well the main challenges to Islamic banking in the United Kingdom. The primary data which was collected through in-depth interviews is to match with the different opinions of the community members about the scope and future of Islamic banking in the UK. The outcomes and results of these in-depth interviews are matched with aims and objectives of the research.
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